The Unofficial Unofficial Sea of Sorrows is now available!

Hello, everyone! I come with a story.

"You want my treasure? Go ahead and find it!"

"I've hidden it within the Great Lake!"

"Set sail to find it! Ahahaha!"

With these words, the greatest pirate bug the world had ever known has unleashed new life to the sea! So go on bug! Prepare a crew, and go forth to find treasure upon great adventures! Go forth! and Live!

The Unofficial Sea of Sorrows is a homebrew rulebook for the Unofficial Hollow Knight RPG, it contains 17 pages worth of ship building, naval battles, and undersea exploration for your Game-Master to utilize! Go forth bug and explore the Great Lake, the depth of the Eel's Trench! Or even fight against the Toadstool of Calm waters! Anything is possible!

Feel free to pop into the community Discord server to join this great community of bug enjoyers!


The Unofficial Sea of Sorrow 799 kB
45 days ago

Get The Unofficial Sea of Sorrow - A Naval-Battle Rulebook

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